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When an International Education isn't enough!

By Stephen C. Schultz

“I can still remember him. He was socially awkward...always on his own. It was tough because English wasn't his first language! He always walked alone on his way to school. He never really hung out with anyone…a real loner. I had a car and sometimes I’d pass him on my way to school. Every once in a while I’d give him a ride, but our conversations were strained. The day he killed himself I couldn’t believe it. Rumors had it he left a note for his parents that mentioned he just didn’t fit in!”

I have noticed, over the years, an increase in foreign students needing the very specialized educational opportunities offered by RedCliff Ascent, Discovery Academy, Discovery Ranch for Boys, Discovery Ranch for Girls and Oxbow Academy. Over the last few years, we have assisted students from the UK, Australia, Singapore, Israel, Brazil, Russia, Bermuda, Dubai, Guatemala, China and Spain to name a few. 

Residential Treatment Center

The parent's of these students only want the best for them. Families have usually made a significant financial investment in the international education of their teen. The students we work with struggle with an emotional concern of some kind and find themselves in the embarrassing position of failing or dropping out of school. Often these students struggle with depression, anxiety, eating disorders or substance use. It may also be a complicated combination of two or more issues. Sometimes it is simply a sense of entitlement and a narcissistic attitude that more traditional parents struggle to deal with. Either way, the student’s academic achievement is being impacted in a negative way.

These are some links to my blog that I hope you find helpful.

We provide an international boarding school experience, assisting with the students academics so they don't fall behind. We are an exclusive and personalized solution for families and students to find success in the face of embarrassment and potential failure.

Please allow me to share an experience I had in Montreal Canada while speaking with an educator. She shared an experience she had with a girl attending their school who was from China. This particular student was struggling with and eating disorder (Anorexia) and the school ended up releasing her from school and sending her home. 

The educator then asked me, “You could have worked with this student?” 

My answer was, “Absolutely!”

So, we specialize in treating teens who are attending a boarding school and young adults who are struggling with university. The students do need to speak English at an intermediate level.

Should you know of a student that meets this criteria or struggles with some of theses emotional concerns, feel free to message me. I am more than happy to help determine the best course of action for the student and the family.

We have been SEVIS Certified since 2005 and are approved to issue Forms I-20 and maintain current F-1/M-1 student records.


Amelia John said…
I wholeheartedly concur that receiving an education abroad is just the start! Having studied overseas, I came to understand the need for lifelong learning and being current in my area quite fast. Not only is a degree important but also how you use and broaden your knowledge in practical situations. An important argument on the necessity of more than simply an international education is made in the essay. I can really relate to this, especially as a nurse. Research and adding to the corpus of knowledge are prerequisites for making a real impact. Getting assistance with a Nursing Dissertation Help might be a wise move in this process.

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