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Showing posts from October, 2016

Evolving Women - Demonstrating Character and Competence

By Stephen C. Schultz The breeze was cool and the sun was warm on my face. An occasional droplet of water and the swirling of mist created the illusion of sparkles floating through the air. The grass was green and so were the trees, even though autumn was fully entrenched. You see, I was sitting amongst some high desert pine trees and juniper bushes at Discovery Ranch for Girls . I looked up and noticed Andrea Burgess walking towards me. Andrea is the Executive Director of DRG and has a long history of working in the mental health field. As she got closer, I smiled and said; “Hey dove…how ya doing?” The term Dove is an aspect of her Earth Name she received during the decade she was the Executive Director of RedCliff Ascent . A few years ago, she made the transition to DRG. She simply responded; “Hey Schultzie!” We exchanged some pleasantries and spoke about how things were going at DRG. She mentioned they were preparing for the next Parent Seminar