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Showing posts from February, 2017

Do we all have a purpose in life?

By Stephen C. Schultz The sky was grey with wispy clouds having just released their moisture. The sun was just starting to peek over the distant horizon and break through the grey fluff. To see these surroundings would have you believe it was a beautiful winters morning. The steam from my breathing wafted upward and created little ice crystals on my eyelashes. The sidewalk was covered in ice that had formed little pot holes from where people had walked before the snow could be shoveled. I was on my way to class at the local university. As I approached the corner, I heard a clicking sound accompanied by an almost imperceptible whirring. I glanced across the street and saw Trent, a 14 year old young man making his way down the street. I was able to wave and catch his eye. I shouted out; “Hi Trent! Good to see you this morning!” There was no response. He simply kept making his way down the street with a very determined, focused effort. Some might consider that