By Stephen C. Schultz The 1971-1972 school year was looking to be a good one! With the wind whistling through my hair, I coasted down City View Street on my green Schwynn Stingray, complete with the slick back tire and the gear shift on the center bar, headed to school at Westmoreland Elementary. Even though it had been a couple of weeks, I was feeling comfortable and getting settled in to 3rd grade at my school. I came to a stop at the corner of 18 th and City View and waited for the light to change. The school was directly across the street. I stepped off the curb and into the cross walk. Once I was safely across, I rode on to the space behind the gym where the bike racks were. I took the combination lock off my bike and rotated the tumblers to 9399 and pulled the green vinyl coated chain apart and ran it through the front tire and around the bike rack. I put the chain back together and rolled the tumblers to random numbers. This was the routine just about eve
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