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Showing posts from September, 2018

Lessons Lived are Lessons Learned #2

By Stephen C. Schultz I stepped out through the door and noticed a crispness in the air. The leaves are changing, the evening light is slowly fading and we are left contemplating this last year. I was on my way to visit Oxbow Academy with some therapeutic program admission professionals on a tour. We were engaged in the normal "Road Trip" banter and general conversation that makes its way into an hour long trip in the car. The conversation turned to work, job responsibilities and company culture. One of my colleagues made a statement that stuck with me. It was a normal comment that is common at virtually every place of business.  She said; "...yes, but they need to be held accountable." I thought about this for a second and then responded; "So...what is the difference between holding someone accountable and having a culture of accountability? Is there a difference?" We went on and had a great conversation. In fact,

"Good 'ol Days" - Fact or Fiction?

By Stephen C. Schultz The ’72-’73 school year was looking to be a good one! With the wind whistling through my hair, I coasted down City View Street on my green Schwynn Stingray headed to school at Westmoreland Elementary. Even though it had been a couple of weeks, I was feeling comfortable and getting settled in Mrs. Mansells third grade class. I came to a stop at the corner of 18th and City View and waited for the light to change. The school was directly across the street.   I stepped off the curb and into the cross walk. Once I was safely across, I rode on to the space behind the gym where the bike racks were.   I took the combination lock off my bike and rotated the tumblers to 9399 and pulled the green vinyl coated chain apart and ran it through the front tire and around the bike rack. I put the chain back together and rolled the tumblers to random numbers. This was the routine just about every day, rain or shine, for many of the students living in Eugene, O