By Stephen C. Schultz (Authors note: This is an experience I had in 1978. I wrote about the experience on an old type writer complete with white out on all of my spelling errors. My mother recently sent me the original. I have transcribed it below just how I had written it as a 15 yr old teen. I hope you enjoy "The Rescue".) The ice cold, crystal clear water gurgled sporadically as it poured over my feet. I stood directing the two-tone green river boat carefully into the current of the McKenzie River . I grabbed the bow of the boat as the current gracefully spun the boat sideways and caused it to bump the bank with a soft squeak. Dad pulled the truck and trailer up the boat ramp and parked alongside the road. As I turned and gazed at the river, I noticed it was a crisp morning with a light fog rising about a foot off the water. It appeared as though we were actually amidst the clouds. The sun shone through the damp, mossy limbs of the scrub oak and Douglas
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