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Showing posts from November, 2017

A Dads Holiday Message to His Family

By Stephen C. Schultz This last couple of days has been stressful for a number of reasons. I would like Stephanie, Ryan and Amanda to share this link with your spouses. Many of the conversations, while well meaning, have been a combination of "Caring" mixed with "Self Serving"...this includes me. One thing I know is that we all love each other. So, lets stop pointing fingers. This is a piece I wrote for my blog that was inspired by an interaction I had with a mother of one of the students enrolled at Oxbow Academy. She was having a hard time seeing her part in the issues surrounding her son being in treatment. This isn't just a mom thing...Dads are equally found blaming others to help themselves feel better about the situation they find themselves in. So, as we enter the Holiday Season, lets not carry grudges. Lets recognize that it is "our" responsibility to manage our emotions in a responsible way. That doesn't mean we st

In the interest of time, foster family relationships!

By Stephen C. Schultz The flames shot up into the air over 15 feet high. Heat scorched my hands and my cheeks as embers rose through the air on endless circular waves of heat. I used the old pitch fork to sift through the ash and scoop up rogue twigs and small sticks that still needed to burn. It was fall time in Eugene, Oregon and the weather was perfect for burning some “slash” piles from the large oak trees that had fallen last winter in an ice storm. I was at my parents home with my 24 year old son. The two of us took a weekend road trip to spend some time with my parents, help with some chores and attend a University of Oregon football game with my brother and his young son. There was nothing very exciting or earth shattering about these three days.  It was simply a father and son spending time in the car having various conversations and sharing insight on numerous topics. Then there was time spent hauling firewood with the tractor and managing the burn pi